A person who likes nature, a 39 min (15.4km) drive to Nagarkot.
7.7 KM away from the resort, can take a deep dive in the historic and tourism city.
It is best location the family visit and hike for natural lovers at bhaktapur district. It is distant 9.4 KM from the resort
Enjoy the Nature and Panoramic with view of Himalayan Perfect view of Kathmandu, Bhaktapur, Kavre and Lalitpur city. Maligaun is only a short distance away (5.4KM from resort).
3 km away from the resort, you can take a deep dive in the historical city Bhaktapur and view the magnificent art, crafts and architecture.
Located at a 4 km distance from the resort is Nankhel Old Village where you can view their simplistic famer based lifestyle.